Photo: Helix Nebula 'Eye of God'
The word 'spirituality' seems so nebulous and subjective. Though I've categorised my blog posts under 'Spirituality' because that's what I assume people will search under, I know no definitive meaning of spirituality. The book 'Getting the Love You Want' recently explains how humans subconsciously chose life partners who mirror the bahaviours of our parents so that we can repair the damaged parts of our selves. Dr Harville Hendrix, the author of this classic, tries to define spirituality thus:
"When I use the word spiritual I am not giving the word its most common usage. I'm not talking about going to church or following doctrines of a particular religion or attaininga rarified state of mind through meditation, fasting, or prayer. I'm talking about a native spirituality, a spirituality that is as much a part of our being as sexuality, a spirituality that is a gift to us the moment we are conceived, a spirituality that we lose sight of in childhood but that can be experienced again in adulthood if we learn to heal old wounds. When we regain awareness of our essential unity, we make an amazing discovery: we are no longer cut off from the rest of the world. because we are cut off from the miracle of our own being, we are free to experience the beauty and complexity of the world. The universe has meaning a purpose and we experience ourselves as part of a larger whole."
Dr Harville Hendrix: Getting the Love You Want (Simon & Schuster, 1988)
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