Journal writing is a useful tool for emotional expression, understanding, remembering deams, recording predictions (I Ching, Tarot etc) and drawing down ideas. Whilst browsing in Watkins Bookshop today, I decided to upgrade from my usual diary to this fully-fledged blank-paged grimoire with a black cover and rather chocolate-boxy gold lettering (left).

It's a great record for all the above things. I particularly use it for my own personal readings so I can refer back to see how closely the prediction matched my final state of being. It's handy to have by the bed on awaking for dream recording too.
I did a blitz on intent-setting over the new year period as well as experimenting with simple spell-making, so it was useful to record all the new information discovered about the ingredients, their qualities, plus correspondances, magical tools and rituals. My little Book of Shadows is starting to take on some of the look of Gerald Gardner's original (right).
I've only ever been a part-time hedge witch and am not genuinely interested in the work of Gardner, Crowley etc. I was inspired by Hedge Witch by Rae Beth - "The original hedgewitch" - (published by Robert Hale, 31 Aug 1992) and A Witch Alone by Marian Greene (Aquarian Press, 1991), who both support the idea that anyone can find their natural magical powers by working alone (as opposed to being part of a coven).

As Marian Green's book explains solitary witchcraft is: ..."a solo branch of magical heritage: the path of the story-book wizard, the wise woman, the hermit, the folk healer, the Druid or the shaman. Working alone, they connect deeply with nature, follow the patterns of the sun and moon, and feel the changing energies of the year's turning cycle." The intent should always be ethical: harming no one and for the good of all.
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